Funded Projects


Search and Bargaining in a New Car Market – Jhong-Yi Huan

The Impact of Labeling and Cognitive Dissonance on Seafood and Herbivorous Dairy and Egg Alternatives Product Selection and Attribute Ratings – Jamie Rye Allen

On the Reliability of Multiple Price List Elicitation Methods – Changkuk Im

Behavioral Spillover and Cognitive Dissonance Theory: A Novel Conceptual Framework for Examining the Effects of Valence, Agency, and Social Observation – Samantha Mertens

Individuals Differences in Self-Control Lay Beliefs Predicting Goal Success – Samantha Lapka 

Citizenship determination and social identity in Côte d’Ivoire – Karis Neufeld

Coin aversion: An experimental investigation of risk elicitations and methods of payment – Floyd Carey

Comparing Individual and Team Performance in Naked Exclusion – Zexin Ye

The effect of broad versus narrow diversity statements on discriminatory hiring decisions – Laura Hildebrand

It’s expensive to be green! But are more expensive things always more green? Investigating perceptions and dynamic norms in the context of grocery decisions – Naseem Dillman-Hasso

The rush to resist: The relationship between psychological reactance and jumping to conclusions in decision making – Mark Matthews

Social perception of others in information cascades – Xiaozhi Yang

Something to bond over: When and why individuals seek out unpleasant experiences with others – Cory Haltman


Ambiguity in normal-form game theory – Samantha Stelnicki

Effects of scarcity on vaccine uptake: An experiment – Alexandrea Howard, Gabriella Howard, Samuel Howard, & Brittany Shoots-Reinhard

Multiple price list elicitation methods under multi-attribute models – Changkuk Im

Understanding value through network representations – Kianté Fernandez & Ian Krajbich

Altruism and attention to social information – Miruna Cotet & Ian Krajbich

Can trust in government reduce political polarization? – Brittany Shoots-Reinhard

Effect of superstore regulations on consumers’ decision making in grocery shopping – Sujin Lee

Gender bias and learning in networks – Samantha Stelnicki, Mir Adnan Mahmood, Xiaomin Bian

Modeling preferential choice mechanisms during subset choice – Kianté Fernandez, Uma Karmarkar, & Ian Krajbich

Motivated beliefs and polarization – Hyoeun Park

Rational inattention and non-Bayesian individuals – Mir Adnan Mahmood & Jason Tayawa

Speaking up in the labyrinth: A natural experiment in evaluation apprehension – Zeynep Yavic

Stochastic choice under nudging and time pressure – Kamyar Kamyar & Changkuk Im


Antecedent of abstinence and balancing in self-control – Phuong Le & Kentaro Fujita

What causes enhanced processing of high-value items – Nick McNeal, Blair Shevlin, & Ian Krajbich

Cross-cutting exposure and social network heterogeneity – Kaitlin Engelbrecht & William Minozzi

Do people think wildlife cheat? Applying rules of social exchange to understand decisions to kill wild animals – Shelby Carlson & Alia Dietsch

Drivers of over precision: Overweighting and correlation neglect – Jason Tayawa & Ancilla Marie Inocencio

Gender manipulation – Xiaomin Bian

Pushing up against the glass ceiling: Evaluation apprehension, cognitive biases, and gender – Zeynep Yavic

Social identity, gendered labor market, and female protectionism – Soohyun Cho


Filling the energy efficiency gap for the energy poor? An empirical study based on a survey experiment – Catherine Chen & Hongtao Yi

How charitable giving strategies affect the donation decision process – Nitisha Desai & Ian Krajbich

Modeling single-shot decisions – Blair Shevlin & Ian Krajbich


Experience sampling of financial and dietary decisions of chronically ill individuals – Cäzilia Loibl, Sanja Ilic, Stephanie Moulton, Kui Xie, & Melissa Ross

Information (acquisition) cascade – O. Sub Kwon

Is the risky-choice framing effect an artifact of mismatched options? – Shiyu Dou & Michael DeKay

Metacognitive certainty in numeracy – Sara Pierce, Brittany Shoots-Reinhard, Richard Petty, & Ellen Peters

Cooperate or punish? An analysis of the public goods game with teams – Mir Adnan Mahmood, Christina Gore, & John Kagel

Decision making and testamentary capacity in older adults – Christopher Nguyen, Cady Block, & Amanda Kenepp

Electric vehicle subscriptions: Exploring a new ownership model to remove structural barriers to adoption – Lee White & Andre Carrel

Doing good by buying from a peer? Consumer decision making in the peer economy – John Costello & Rebecca Reczek

A Yardstick for danger: Developing a sensitive and flexible measure for perceived risk – Hugh Walpole & Robyn Wilson


Assessing the influence of decision processes on memory for attribute information – David Falco & Michael DeKay

Breaking habits through digital technology and self-monitoring cues – Atar Herziger & Nicole Sintov

Debiasing the vaccine certainty effect – Shivangi Bhardwaj, Pär Bjälkebring, Michael Silverstein, & Ellen Peters

Development and evaluation of adaptive scales of objective numeracy and numeric self-efficacy using item response theory, two parameter logistic model, and graded response model – Michael Silverstein & Ellen Peters

Effects of monetary and non-monetary incentives on worker motivation – Hayley Svensson, Brittany Shoots-Reinhard, Tyler MacDonald, & Ellen Peters

Enjoyment makes an expert: The impact of enjoyment on self-perceptions of expertise – Jake Teeny & Robert Smith

A scale to capture logarithmic magnitude perceptions in adults – Tyler MacDonald & Ellen Peters

Choosing for others: The influence of incentives, similarity, and previous experience – Stephanie Smith & Ian Krajbich

Development of a motion graphics video for debunking myths about contraceptive safety among women in Kingston, Jamaica – Breanne Butters, & Maria Palazzi

Experimental investigation into the effect of learning on recall in consumer search – Ben Casner & John Kagel

Intra-individual coupling of daily stress and daily decision-making competence – Pär Bjälkebring & Ellen Peters

Negative decisions in Brazilian Portuguese – Scott Schwenter & Kendra Dickinson

The role of auditory attention in simple decision-making – Rachel Gwinn & Ian Krajbich


Decision-making ability beliefs – Nick O'Dell

Foreign policy elites and public opinion diffusion in social networks – Elias Assaf

Increasing climate change belief through source matching – Gillian Davis, Ellen Peters, & Brittany Shoots-Reinhard

Loser's bliss? An experimental study of the declining price anomaly – O. Sub Kwon

The role of peripheral cues in behavioral response to feedback for food-energy-water footprints – Ian Adams

Testing the behavioral foundations of (cautious) expected utility theory – Ritesh Jain & Kirby Nielsen

Can factual misperceptions be corrected? An experiment on public fear of terrorism – Daniel Silverman & Daniel Kent

Demonstrating the utility of meta-studies as an alternative to meta-analyses – Michael DeKay, Paul De Boeck, & Nataliya Rubinchik

Diffusion modeling of social learning in information cascades – Cameron Luther, Ian Krajbich, Cary Frydman

Estimating impacts of food waste policy on consumer ordering, intake, and waste of food – Danyi Qi & Brian Roe

Do short people work harder and smarter? The effect of stature on self-control and creativity – Lei Jia & Xiaoyan Deng

Numeracy-related responding to numeric self-report scales – Amanda Montoya, Stephanie Smith, Jaime Gilden, Leanne Stanley, & Ellen Peters


Attention and information partitioning in game theory: An eye-tracking study – James Wei Chen & Ian Krajbich

Debiasing the planning fallacy in college classrooms – Gleb Tsipursky

Experimental tests of preference over uncertainty resolution – Kirby Nielsen & John Kagel

Local partners for local problems: When does foreign security assistance undermine civilian support? – Austin Knuppe & Christopher Gelpi

Numeracy and STI/HIV outcomes in rural Malawi – Mary Kate Tompkins & Alison Norris

Optimal distinctiveness and political decision making – Tyler MacDonald & Kathleen McGraw

Drawing conclusions from distraction: Distracting ads cue – Daniel Zane & Robert Smith

Initial test of the human-agent team intention inference (HATii) model – Lorraine Borghetti & Zheng Joyce Wang

Is informal risk-sharing sustainable under systematic shocks? Experimental evidence – Chang Xu & Mario Miranda

Multistage contest in teams with factions – Jeevant Rampal & John Kagel

Timing of communication – Puja Bhattacharya & Katie Coffman


Expectation-based loss aversion in sequential search – Tanushree Jhunjhunwala & John Kagel

Financial decision making: The case of borrowing among households in Nepal – Olga Kondratjeva & Stephanie Moultan

News consumption and its relations with editorial cues and political predispositions and personality traits – Elias Assaf & Christopher Gelpi

Values, issue difficulty, and political attitudes: The role of core values in political decision-making – Lauren Elliott-Dorans & Thomas E. Nelson

Dimensions of charitable giving: The roles of perceived need and efficacy – Andy Luttrell & Richard Petty

Decision-making competencies: Measurement and relationship to STI/HIV in rural Malawian cohort – Kunuwo Fokong & Alison Norris

The dynamics of social influence and its consequences for democratic decision-making – Lauren Ratliff & Paul Beck


Genetic counselor/parent interactions in pediatric genetic counseling sessions – Nicole Lahner & Dawn C. Allain

No-regret equilibrium: An experimental study – Jeevant Rampal & John Kagel

Understanding the school lunch decision – Elizabeth Robison & Brian Roe

Why are promises kept? – Puja Bhattacharya, Arjun Sengupta, & John Kagel

Arousal and memory for numbers in judgments over time – Mary Kate Tompkins & Ellen Peters

Backroom or C-SPAN?: Examining the effect of transparency on efficient outcomes in negotiation through agents – Michael Nieset & Katie Coffman

Disentangling the foundations of support and opposition to trade policies – Wei-Ting Yen & Sara Watson

How will others play this game? Heterogeneous beliefs and rational non-defection in finite games – Dimitry Mezhvinsky & John Kagel

Integrating One Health and Coupled Systems approaches to target rabies risk mitigation efforts among high-risk youth populations in northern Gondar, Ethiopia – Kristina Slagel & Robyn Wilson

Intergroup relations: Promoting equality enhances cooperation and reduces hostility – Kathleen Powers & Richard Hermann

Investigating patterns and differences in predecisional information distortion – Breann Erford & Michael DeKay

Multi-unit auctions with financially constrained bidders: An experimental study – Arkady Konovalov & John Kagel

A “natural” experiment: Consumer confusion and food claims – Christopher Simons, Efthimios Parasidis, & Neal Hooker

Reference classes and sensitivity to likelihood levels – Alex Sinayev & Ellen Peters


Towards zero waste at OSU: An exploratory study of students' decision making – Mark Moritz, Devin Griglik, & Mallory Ray

A gaming environment for BDM research – Robert Gore, Trisha Van Zandt, Roger Crawfis

The crossover partisan power of religious rhetoric during foreign policy crises – Christopher Gelpi & Joshua Su-Ya Wu

The effect of a grand gesture on cooperation and forgiveness – Anthony Bradfield & Gabriel Englander

Do advantaged groups show different levels of cognition, learning and risk preferences from disadvantaged groups? – Puja Bhattacharya & John Kagel

Communication and learning strategies in legislative bargaining – Andrzej Baranski

Does status affect individuals' preference for competitive environment and risk-taking behavior? – Arjun Sengupta

Income equity, risk, and mobility: An experimental evaluation of competing hypotheses – Agnar Helgason & Vittorio Merola

Measuring behavioral proximity to improve behavioral change strategies – Jeremy Brooks & Ellen Eilers

The politics of outrage: Emotions and party support in Hungary – Paul DeBell

Public reaction to provision of inaccurate information by political elites – Jakob Miller

Social norms in situations of strategic interaction – Alexander Gotthard-Real


Boundaries of racial loyalty: Blame, exit, and social identity in the black body politic – Nyron N. Crawford & Ismail K. White

Does group affirmation improve intergroup relations? – Eun Bin Chung & Richard Herrmann

The ecological validity of heuristics in judgments of energy consumption – Dan Schley & Michael DeKay

Framing in a linear public goods game – Caleb A. Cox & Paul Healy

How are foreign policy attitudes really structured? Attitude constraint and network structure – Joshua Kertzer & Kathleen Powers

I won't shop if you won't: An experimental analysis of boycotting and buycotting as conditional third-party punishment and reward – Dmitry Mezhvinsky

Individual vs. group level rewards in influencing consumption of an unfamiliar vegetable among young children – Matthew Pham & Brian Roe

Magnitude representations underlie decisions under risk and intertemporal choices – Dan Schley & Ellen Peters

Numeracy and political decision making: Understanding variance in framing effects – Matthew Hitt & Vittorio Merola

Peer-to-peer financial advice – Lucas C. Coffman


Emergence of team reasoning as a function of ludic diversity – S. M. Amadae & Daniel Lempert

No news is good news? Voluntary disclosure in ultimatum game settings – Ulrike Denker, Ting Qu, Steven Schwartz, Christopher Ward, & Richard Young

Value from certainty: The effects of attitude certainty on willingness to pay – Richard Petty & Brittany Shoots-Reinhard